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Use our tool to find chess tournaments
Select your corresponding state and it will take you to recommendations for each online chess tournament nearby.
How to find a tournament that fits you:

Rated or unrated?
Many tournaments are USCF-rated and others just casual play

Age groups
Have in mind your corresponding age group before joining.

Does the institution provide clocks and sets?

Join our monthly online tournaments
Over 50 kids rated 600-1600 participate in our monthly tournaments, free for all of our students and guided live by our head coach.
How do our tournaments work?

Guided live via Zoom
Regular online tournaments feel like playing against a TV. In ours you can be guided by our head coach, and interact directly with other players (mostly kids aged 8-14)

Meet some new pals
Peanut butter without jelly, Scooby without Doo? Chess without friends feels this way too. Come on join us!

Stay engaged
No effective learning experience comes without implementing what's been learned, tournaments are an opportunity for this!
Check out other guides:
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